A Guide: Creating an effective campaign for a live event on social media, focusing on LinkedIn

In recent years, I’ve worked on a large number of events broadcasts with several large clients in Israel and globally. Through this experience, I wanted to create a guide to share some tips and tricks on how to create effective campaigns for a live event focused on social media.

  1. Create an event:

On any linkedin and Facebook business page, you can create an event. The event page will be the same as a landing page and consists of information about the event including date, images, registration options, and website links. A newly added function to LinkedIn is a built-in form that can be used as a database to store potential registration data. It’s important to have an interesting and established event that will generate awareness and exposure. the event needs to have an impressive and branded cover photo, the right slogan for the upcoming event, and a killer concept. in the event, details there's an option to mention that the event will be broadcasted live on LinkedIn.

The link to create an event: https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/answer/a552496/create-an-event-from-your-linkedin-page?lang=en

  1. Creating a post for the event:

The next step after creating your event would be to share it. You should create a post about the event to share on your platforms to increase awareness and exposure.

  1. The connection between the event and LinkedIn Live:

The live link will only go up while the event is being filmed. Still, when it happens, LinkedIn will synchronize all the registrants for the event and all the business page followers with a notification and a pop-up in their LinkedIn feed. This is a great synchronization that draws attention and awareness to the event. If you collect a lot of registration data, you will be able to download this information from the lead forms and create look-alike-based audiences used for promotions. also you could use this data for e-mail marketing and other sales opportunities in the future

  1. Creating distribution around the environment:

Once your event is set up, you need to create some buzz. There are several ways to do this:

  1. Sponsored advertising activity for the event: There are leads to the event conversion index page of the event.
  2. A smart distribution option that allows any admin to send invitations to connections for the event.
  3. C. Sharing the event in an e-mail and posting to relevant groups to maximize reach.
  4. Sharing in WhatsApp groups.
  5. A main grid header image for the event with a customized image for each of the partners or speakers at the event. This includes participating companies. Share with them materials that they can use to share with their audiences on all social media channels and more (WhatsApp, e-mail )
  6. Teaser post:

On the day of the event, about an hour before, produce a teaser post showing the place, the team, and the preparations, with some nice behind-the-scenes content. I strongly recommend that the post should be created from the business page and then everyone relevant to the event will share the specific post in their feeds (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter).

  1. Broadcasting the event:

I will not go into the technical part of the live event itself, since this is intended for a company with experience in live video production but here are some essential points to consider:

  1. Broadcasting of LinkedIn Live is done only with third-party software approved by LinkedIn. We usually do this with stream live or stream.
  2. The most correct way to maximize broadcast platforms would be to create a live broadcast for Facebook as well. The service provider who is responsible for video production will know how to target and unify platforms. You can always also share on YouTube and Zoom, thus increasing the number and type of participants even more.

From the moment the broadcast goes live, I strongly recommend, as long as possible, engaging the moderators and participants with questions and in general, creating a dynamic and interactive conversation. After the broadcast, pin the post to the top of the page so that all traffic coming in will be focused on the event content first.

A personal post even before the broadcast that matches the teaser on the business page will help in boosting the reach and exposure of the event.

7. after the life and the pinned post we could also promote or send to our data the recorded event edited and use this for feedback and for later stronger relations with your audience.

We would love to hear more ideas, including your feedback on the subject.